

代表理事    関口照生


名称 〜ようこそリアルなミャンマーへ〜 ミャンマー祭り2020
開催趣旨 日緬友好の発展と教育支援の実現を目的に、ミャンマーへの理解を促進し、民族の伝統・文化・産業等の紹介をはじめ、企業、NPO/NGO及び次世代の人たちとの出会いの場を提供する。
開催日時 2020年
実施会場 浄土宗大本山  増上寺境内 (〒105−0011 東京都港区芝公園4−7−35)
出展規模 目標80社(企業、レストラン、NPO/NGOブース)
目標来場者 70,000人(2019年実績:およそ65,000人)
主催 一般社団法人ミャンマー祭り
共催 駐日ミャンマー連邦共和国大使館、NPO法人メコン総合研究所(GMI)
入場料 無料









1.協賛金名称 ミャンマー祭り2019
2.主   催 一般社団法人ミャンマー祭り
3.共   催 駐日ミャンマー連邦共和国大使館、NPO法人メコン総合研究所
4.実施期日 2019年5月25日(土)~5月26日(日)
5.会   場 浄土宗大本山 増上寺境内 (東京都港区芝公園4-7-35)
6.プログラム 紹介ブース(ミャンマー料理・民族文化、ミャンマー支援団体活動、進出企業など)、民族音楽ライブ、教育支援プログラム、交流写真展ほか
◎ 特別協賛 300万円以上
◎ プラチナスポンサー 100万円以上
◎ ゴールドスポンサー 50万円以上
◎ シルバースポンサー 10万円以上
◎ 個人スポンサー 5万円以上
8.お申込み 別添「ご協賛申込書」にご記入の上、メール添付またはFAXにてお申し込みください。※物品でのご協賛も募集しております。


代表理事 関口照生


一般社団法人ミャンマー祭り 担当:久保、ティンタイ、鋪田
Email : info@myanmarfestival.org
電話  : 03-6811-1212

Myanmar Festival 2019 Request for Sponsorship

Dear All,

Greeting from Myanmar Festival Corporation.
Thank you very much for the warm support and cooperation you have shown in the past.
Without your support and encouragement, our success wouldn’t have been possible.

Now, I am pleased to inform you that the Myanmar Festival 2019 will be held in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Japan, and the nonprofit General Mekong Initiative from May 25-26, 2019 at Zojoji-Temple in Tokyo, Japan.
As in previous years, it has grown to be a major annual event established to promote the Myanmar which are food culture and traditional culture, traditional performing arts, business matching etc.
The Myanmar Festival Corporation will engage in corporate social communication activities between Japan and Myanmar through its core business as the “Myanmar Festival” to meet society’s expectations and deepen mutual understanding to create a better society for the next generation. A gain to the company is, this event is a great opportunity to grow your sales pipeline and increase the number of potential closed deals.
As a sponsor, you will receive an advertisement service and will also be entitled to a decoration booth for the event, the reception tickets and so on. We look forward to seeing you in the venue again.

Please accept our most sincere thanks for your support.

Yours sincerely.

= Outline =
1. Title of sponsorship: Myanmar Festival 2019
2. Organizer: Myanmar Festival Corporation
Co-organizers: The embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Japan, Grater Mekong Initiative
3. Dates: May 25-26 (Sat.-Sun.), 2019
4. Venue: Zojoji Temple (Buddhism’s Pure Land sect.) 4-7-35 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 105-0011
5. Number of visitors: 70,000 (tentative) / 2018: 65,000 visitors (approx.)
6. Program: Traditional music and dance performance, arts on stage, Japan-Myanmar friendship photo exhibition,
Exhibit booths: To show own products and services, corporate initiatives, Myanmar foods and culture
exchange, fashion and general goods, Report of support for activities contributing to Myanmar, and other events.
[Fundraising target]
35 million yen.
Uses for funds: To cover the operating expense of the Myanmar Festival 2019, to assist education the children who goes to the Myanmar Festival school that called TERAKOYA by Thadama Gone Yi Nun School in Bago, Myanmar.
 Type of Sponsorship
• Special sponsor: 3 million yen or more • Platinum sponsor: 1 million yen or more
• Gold sponsor: 500,000 yen or more • Silver sponsor: 100,000 yen
• Individual sponsor: 50,000 yen or more
For more further information please find the attached sponsorship documents.

Representative Director
Myanmar Festival Corporation


Myanmar Festival Corporation
Kazuko Kubo(Ms.), Thein Htaik(Mr.), Midori Shikita(Ms.)
3rd floor, 3-26-24, Toyo-cho, Koto-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 135-0016
Email : info@myanmarfestival.org


■広報活動 ポスター・チラシ・会場マップ掲載、SNSによるPR


  • ・都市圏JR沿線駅張りポスターB1掲示を2週間ほど展開(1日平均79万人へアプローチ、昨年実績:88駅150枚)
  • ・公式ホームページやFacebook(2018年11月現在6,100人がフォロー)などのSNSの有効活用
  • ・ミャンマー国内発行の月刊紙(発行部数:12,000部、日本国内でも各所に設置)やフリーマガジン等へのチラシ掲載
  • ・ご協賛の内容に応じ、約65,000人の来場者へ企業ロゴマークを配した単独看板や会場マップで直接アピールが可能










Myanmar Festival 2019 Sponsorship contents

■Event Advertising and Event Promotion Strategy

The Myanmar Festival 2019 utilizes various media to conduct public relations activities.

  • ・To place an advertisement in a local business monthly magazine (12,000 copies), free papers, and others.
  • ・Each poster will be posted for 2 weeks at JR railway stations in metropolitan area.
    (2018: 150 posters, 88 stations, Average of 79.2 million people use these stations each day)
  • ・It is utilized effectively for SNS such as official homepage and Facebook (over 6,100 followers as of November)
  • ・We provide a place where you can make a direct approach to approximately 70,000 visitors and reach potential customers.

■Business Seminar and Reception Party

Join this networking opportunity! A lots of outstanding business people who are interested in doing a business in Myanmar will gather to exchange information with you frankly. The executives and decision maker from BIG-NAME companies will be here. We will help you to meet the right people.


■Corporate Social Responsibility

The sponsorship money will be donated to the Myanmar festival and at the same time it will be donated to the Myanmar Festival’s TERAKOYA runs by Thadama Gone Yi Nun School in Bago, Myanmar. It can be utilized as part of CSR as your company’s international social contribution activities.




